AMTI Director Greg Poling sits down with Ben Bland, Nigel Li, and Dustin Wang to discuss recent trips by journalists to Itu Aba (Taiping Island), Taiwan’s only occupied feature in the Spratlys, and the amicus curiae brief about Itu Aba that a group of Taiwanese legal scholars recently filed with the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Ben Bland is the South China correspondent for the Financial Times and visited Itu Aba in March. Nigel Li is president of the Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law and Dustin Wang is a professor at National Taiwan Normal University. Both were authors of the amicus curiae brief.

About AMTI Leadership
Dr. Michael Green is senior vice president for Asia and Japan Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Executive Advisor to AMTI. Gregory B. Poling is a senior fellow for Southeast Asia and director of the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative at CSIS.