太平岛 太平岛是位于南沙群岛的一个岩礁。1956 年台湾首次占领了该礁。 美国 : Itu Aba Island中国: 太平岛菲律宾: Ligao Island台湾: 太平島越南: Đảo Ba Bình 占领国 (地区): 台湾法律状态: 岩礁GPS: 10° 22' 35" N, 114° 21' 55" E总填海面积 8英亩 全景图 January 8, 2018 November 24, 2017 August 15, 2017 February 20, 2017 January 25, 2017 September 2, 2016 May 20, 2016 March 5, 2016 January 27, 2016 January 26, 2015 May 1, 2012 地面景观 A view across the runway from the apron, toward the entrance to Itu Aba’s temple. A radar tower is visible from the command post. Produce is raised in garden plots behind the command post. Produce is raised in garden plots behind the command post. Produce is raised in garden plots behind the command post. In the area around the garden plots there is darker soil on top of the sand that covers most of Itu Aba. Taiwanese experts say the soil is native to this and a few other parts of the island, and was created by the breakdown of trees and other organic matter over centuries. Thick vegetation covers most of Itu Aba. An area in the forest where there is darker soil on top of the sand that covers most of Itu Aba. Taiwanese experts say the soil is native to this and a few other parts of the island, and was created by the breakdown of trees and other organic matter over centuries. Water is drawn from the well and poured out for tasting by the delegation. Cargo containers and construction equipment along the newly-renovated wharf. A view back toward the island from the end of the pier. An array of solar panels at the western end of the runway. A Taiwanese air force C-130 Hercules parked on the apron at Itu Aba. A memorial stele near the temple marks the Republic of China’s taking control of Itu Aba on December 12, 1946. 前哨基地分析 探索太平岛:南海岛屿的虚拟游览