Ardasier Reef

U.S. Board of Geographic Names: Ardasier Reef
China: Guangxingzi Jiao, 光星仔礁
Philippines: Antonio Luna Reef
Taiwan: Andu Tan, 安渡灘
Malaysia: Terumbu Ubi
Vietnam: Đá Kiêu Ngựa

Erica Reef

U.S. Board of Geographic Names: Erica Reef
China: Boji Jiao, 簸箕礁
Philippines: Gabriela Silang Reef
Malaysia: Terumbu Siput
Vietnam: Đá Én Ca

Investigator Shoal

U.S. Board of Geographic Names: Investigator Shoal
China: Yuya Ansha, 榆亚暗沙
Philippines: Pawikan Shoal
Taiwan: Yuya Ansha, 榆亞暗沙
Malaysia: Terumbu Peninjau
Vietnam: Bãi Thám Hiểm

Mariveles Reef

U.S. Board of Geographic Names: Mariveles Reef
China: Nanhai Jiao, 南海礁
Philippines: Mariveles Reef
Taiwan: Nanhai Jiao, 南海礁
Malaysia: Terumbu Montanani
Vietnam: Đá Kỳ Vân

Swallow Reef

U.S. Board of Geographic Names: Swallow Reef
China: Danwan Jiao, 弹丸礁
Philippines: Celerio Reef
Taiwan: Danwan Jiao, 彈丸礁
Malaysia: Pulau Layang-Layang
Vietnam: Đá Hoa Lau